Catalog Auction info

Online Auction of assets previously used by Turbine Efficiency Limited (#9)
01/04/2022 10:00 AM GMT - 03/03/2022 9:12 PM GMT
Starts Ending 03/03/2022 10:01 AM GMT

Lot #617Demister Elements 64/04004015/7, Pilot Regulators 64/60040175/1, NRV 64/60030042/22, VGV Pump, Pressure Transmitter 64/07004169/22, 64/60040190/2, CT92536/01

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Lot closed - Winning bid:N/A

Online Auction of assets previously used by Turbine Efficiency Limited (#9)
01/04/2022 10:00 AM GMT - 03/03/2022 9:12 PM GMT

Starts Ending 03/03/2022 10:01 AM GMT